How To Earn Money From Daraz Dosti Program
Daraz has introduces their referral program for their website promotion as different websites often introduce these kind of programs to promote their platform for those who are not yet familiar with their platform.
Daraz Dosti

What is the daraz dosti referral program ?
How you can participate and earn money from this program?
Is there any tough condition and how much the earning potential in this referral program is this a normal affiliate marketing program or another different kind of program?
All the above questions we will answer you in this article but this is not produced by daraz administrative it’s our own opinion and we are just guiding you through our portal so that you can get benefit from it if you are interested.
Win Upto PKR 1000 Per Month
First of all we want to tell you that this is not a stable way and a regular way to making money from this program of Daraz it’s another type of referral and winning cash program.
So don’t be get confused by reading and attracting to earn cash and win something like that because they are advertising the word Earn & Win on the daraz dosti program.
Earning is the proper process of gaining something and making money from some planned task to work on it but winning cash is something like a lottery and a type of chance system, So don’t be get confused that you will surely get paid if you do the task like that because this is not a proper earning way and basically it’s actually a winning contest that you will not get paid it’s a chance that if their maximum lottery members eligibility numbers if you will follow all the conditions and by chance your name will if picked in the winning list then you will rewarded after participating in their program.
Join Daraz Dosti Program
Total earning potential in this program is Upto 1000 rupees if you will invite 10 users per month so this is the maximum potential every month you have to earn by inviting friends and again remember this is a winning contest not a earning program by chance if you will pick by system for eligibility lottery then you will be rewarded otherwise you will not get reward.
Follow the Steps To Join Daraz Dosti
Search ”Daraz Dosti” in Findbox of Daraz
You will see the Referral contest banner To click on it and Open make sure You Do it on Daraz Android App(Not desktop,IOS)
Enter Your Mobile Number(Should Enter your Registered Account No)
Generate A Link and Share It Simply

Through your invite link whenever someone download the app and install it in their phone you will receive hundred rupees on per install but make sure the referee should install app and remain installed on their mobile device at least 3 days and should also open the app and it is preferable that they should also create an account and use the app but its not mention in the terms and conditions of the daraz dosti program. We prefer the participant to encourage your referees that they should create the account because it could potentially encourage them to remain install the app on the device without enforcing them to don’t uninstall the app.

So to reaching the earning potential of 1000 per month, basically you want to win the earning contest of month you need to invite 10 users who should also install the app and remain installed in the mobile device at least 3 days. So what happen if you invite more than 10 users? The simple answer is you will not get the reward of additional invites so don’t waste your invites, invite them in the next month simply. If you are over smart and want more or actually win the contest chances increases option you can invite through other mobile devices by registering your referral link with another mobile number if you have access more than one you can try also as there has no IP address terms and condition mention in the daraz dosti program but you should also thoroughly kept in under safe mode.
Daraz dosti program is especially created for promoting their daraz Android application therefore they have only provided the option to participate in program through mobile application only you can’t access it on desktop and iOS platform.
So now simply you need to download the application from Google play store and create your account if you have not yet then search in the the finding box daraz dosti then open the banner provided, enter your mobile number and click link generator, share with your friends and make 10 referrals per month and you have a chance to earn up to 1000 rupees per month.
Daraz has mention in the terms and condition of the daraz Dosti program that you cannot withdraw them or redeem them or exchange them. You can purchase and buy product on the platform.
When you invite members through your referral link and if your name will be picked in the lottery eligibility list then you will be updated and notified from the daraz dosti program team that you have won the contest and the amount will be credited to your bonus wallet balance After 2-3 days.
Daraz Dosti program on the platform have nohere mentioned that how long this program will run so that you should get updated about the latest news through App notifications.